Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot on Thursday. The actors took to their official Instagram handles and made the announcement, along with sharing clicks from the nuptial.
Both Katrina and Vicky wrote in the caption, “Only love and gratitude in our hearts for everything that brought us to this moment . Seeking all your love and blessings as we begin this new journey together.”\
The wedding was a close-knit affair at Rajasthan’s Six Senses Fort Barwara, Sawai Madhopur district, with family and close friends in attendance. As per, the couple took the ‘pheras’ on Thursday afternoon.
Although it was Bollywood’s latest big ticket wedding, the whole affair was kept intensely private. From a no photos NDA clause to compulsory RT PCR test for unvaccinated attendees, the entire ceremony was presumably a spectacular but secretive affair.