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Stroke recovery at home: Tips for caregivers.

Written by Dr Vishal Sehgal

Stroke is a leading cause of death worldwide. Estimates by the Indian Stroke Association (ISA) indicate that every year about 17 million people suffer from strokes globally, out of which 6.2 million die and five million suffer disabilities. Every patient encounters their own set of challenges in terms of impairment, physical movement and rehabilitation. But recovery from a stroke can be made better provided there is the right care, support and motivation to help the patient. The person may experience loss of speech, trouble with memory, reasoning and concentration, and partial paralysis. This is where knowing what to expect after a major stroke can go a long way in helping them prepare for the journey ahead. While putting the right questions to a healthcare provider can give more clarity, here are some pointers caregivers should know about recovery at home.

Understand how every journey is unique

It is important to not let others’ stories demotivate you because every stroke survivor’s story is different. Let your experience unfold at its own pace as you help them cope with their impairment and the emotional trauma surrounding it. Work towards helping them gain a gradual acceptance of the new normal. It is important to enable them to understand that recovery may not happen overnight, and beginning with a positive outlook is the key. While this is easier said than done, motivation and personal attention from near and dear ones can make all the difference.



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