Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha reacted to digital streaming platforms being brought under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, sparking fears of censorship. Sharing an opinion piece on how ‘moral policing’ will kill the streaming industry, he called it a ‘farce’.
“This article from the @timesofindia on enforcing a code of morality in India, with the lame excuse, ‘hurt sentiments’ is such a farce. In these pandemic & difficult times it was the OTT platforms which were lively & helped us cope while staying home & a stress buster too,” he wrote on Twitter.
“Creating a fear through superstition & religion is the worst way to kill art & creativity. This is a great flourishing industry which has a great future ahead, why kill it by just a few with superficial & ‘perverted mindsets’ Food for serious thought! A important read! Jai Hind!,” he added.