The teaser for Sampath Nandi directorial Seetimaarr was unveiled on Monday. Starring Gopichand and Tamannaah Bhatia, the film has them playing kabbadi coaches. Sampath Nandi took to social media to share the Seetimaarr teaser and wrote, “#SeetimaarrTeaser. Waited so longggg to show you this..our sweat, blood n hardwork!! Need all your love.”
Judging by the teaser, the film promises to club the sport with enough drama and thrill. Tamannaah plays Jwala, a kabaddi coach for the Telangana team. But, she is limited to only a few frames and doesn’t get any dialogues in the teaser. It’s said that she will speak in the Telangana dialect in the movie, so the makers may have decided to surprise the audience and reveal it at the apt time.