The president-elect in his remark that he had indisputably won the election

In a passionate address formally declaring victory in the tumultuous 2020 election, Biden appealed to the country to "let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end, here and now" and to return to a time when the country joined the face common enemies – this time, the pandemic, systemic racism, economic struggles and climate change.
"Americans have called on us to marshal the forces of decency and the forces of fairness, to marshal the forces of science and the forces of hope in the great battles of our time," he said in a speech filled with soaring rhetoric but lacking any gloating over his hard-fought win.
On the very day Biden spoke, Trump supporters – some of them armed – gathered at voting centers in battleground states to challenge some of the ballots and Biden's very win, despite the fact that the race had been called by numerous news organizations.