Weeks after wrapping up Anek, Ayushmann Khurrana has begun work on his upcoming campus comedy Doctor G, co-starring Rakul Preet Singh. The actor took to Instagram on Monday to share with fans that he and Rakul have begun script reading sessions for the film, which will mark the directorial debut of Anubhuti Kashyap, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s sister.
The film, bankrolled by Junglee Pictures, has been written by Anubhuti, Sumit Saxena, Saurabh Bhat and Vishal Wagh. Ayushmann first shared a picture of the bound script of Doctor G, a highlighter and a few pens on an Instagram story and wrote alongside, “And it begins!” Both the lead stars play doctors in the film. The Instagram story shared his character’s name: Uday Gupta.