Goa chief minister Pramod Sawant on Friday said that 50 percent of the eligible population of Goa is fully vaccinated. The announcement comes about a week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the state for completing 100 percent vaccination of its eligible population.
“In another fantastic milestone, 50% of eligible people in Goa are now fully vaccinated with 2 doses. Congratulating all Goans for cooperating to make this happen. With the continual effort our State shall soon be fully vaccinated,” Sawant tweeted.
Modi had, in a virtual interaction with Goa’s healthcare workers, doctors, citizens and government functionaries on September 18, congratulated Goa for vaccinating 100 percent of its eligible population with the first dose of the vaccination against Covid-19. He said that after Himachal Pradesh and Goa, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep have also vaccinated all its eligible population with the first dose and Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar, Ladakh, Kerala, Uttarakhand and Dadra and Nagar Haveli would follow soon.