Actor Vikrant Massey found a ‘new lease of life’ with Konkona Sen Sharma’s film, A Death In The Gunj, where he played the role of the vulnerable Shutu, whose fragile mental health spirals by the end of the film. Vikrant, who received much praise for his sensitive portrayal of the character, says it’s because of the film that he achieved more recognition in the industry.
Vikrant told SpotBoyE, “Shutu from A Death In The Gunj will always be very, very special to me. I got a second lease of life because of that. I had convinced myself to happily go back to television, earn loads of money, get more famous… But had A Death In The Gunj not happened, I would not have been here.” Prior to A Death In The Gunj, Vikrant had acted in television shows such as Qubool Hai, Dharam Veer, and Baba Aiso Varr Dhoondo. He had also played supporting roles in films such as Lootera, and Half-Girlfriend.