Actors Samantha Akkineni and Naga Chaitanya’s divorce rumours have left fans rather anxious. While the couple remains tight-lipped about the status of their relationship, Samantha recently snapped at a reporter for asking her about it. The actor was leaving Tirumala temple after seeking blessings when a reporter asked about her separation from Naga Chaitanya.
Snapping at the person, she said, “I have come to a temple, don’t you have any sense?” while pointing at her head. The speculation about their divorce began after Samantha dropped the name Akkineni from her social media accounts. This move was noticed by many and led to rumours of trouble in paradise for the couple, who are adored by their fans. However, recently, the two indulged in a Twitter exchange, where Samantha cheered on Naga Chaitanya for his film, Love Story. Samantha called Love Story a “winner,” in response to which Chaitanya wrote, “Thanks Sam.” As soon as Chay replied, fans celebrated as they took the couple’s gesture for each other as their way to put divorce rumours to rest. Samantha even wished father-in-law Nagarjuna on his birthday, with a warm tweet.