Union Minister and BJP’s in-charge for the Uttarakhand Assembly polls Pralhad Joshi Friday said the party was contesting the elections under the leadership of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and that he would take up the top job once the party comes to power again in 2022.
The BJP has changed Chief Ministers in the hill state twice this year. The party has also changed chief ministers in states like Gujarat and Karnataka in recent times. In Assam, where it was ruling, BJP had appointed a different CM after winning the elections.
Asked whether Dhami will remain CM after the polls, Joshi said at a press conference: “The election is being contested under the leadership of Pushkar Singh Dhami. When we will come to power, Dhami ji will continue as CM. There is no doubt about it within the party.”
Joshi claimed the party would win more than 60 seats.