For Kajol fans, the wait is finally over. After a fabulous performance in Tribhanga, the actor is set to be back on screen with Salaam Venky. Directed by Revathy, the film went on floors today, as informed by the actor via a post on Instagram.
Kajol posted a photo with Revathy as they stood together holding the clapboard, while in the next one, they are joined by their producers. “Today we begin the journey of a story that needed to be told, a path that had to be taken and a life that had to be celebrated. We can’t wait to share this unbelievably true story of #SalaamVenky with you,” she wrote in the caption. As per a statement shared by the team, Salaam Venky has been inspired by an unbelievably true story and real characters. The film will bring fore the tale of a praiseworthy mother, who battled the most difficult circumstances. It has been produced by Suuraj Sinngh, Shraddha Agrawal, and Varsha Kukreja.