Actor and model Milind Soman is celebrating his third wedding anniversary with Ankita Konwar on Monday. Along with sharing several photos on Instagram, Milind also wrote a note for her, mentioning how much he missed her as the two are apart on this special day.
“Happy 3rd anniversary @ankita_earthy ❤ miss you every moment you crazy thing 🥰…#love, ” Mlilind wrote.
Meanwhile, Ankita Konwar shared a series of photos and penned an emotional post for him. Her caption read, “Everyday is an adventure, a new anniversary of something and another valentines day with you. 3 years since we had our magical wedding in that little forest in Spain, barefoot, in front of a waterfall. Being with you is like experiencing magic, firsthand! You’re the water to my earth. Shaping me, nurturing me, growing with me. I’m grateful for this bond we share, every single living minute. Always and forever ❤️. #ultreia #foreverlove #forbetterorforworse #insicknessandinhealth.”