Ayushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor starrer Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui released in theatres on Friday and the film’s second day box office numbers are in. As the weekend set in on Saturday, the Abhishek Kapoor directorial saw a growth of about +29.87% at the box office, according to trade analyst Taran Adarsh.
On Friday, the film earned Rs. 3.75 cr, and on Saturday, it earned Rs. 4.87 cr. The film’s total earning at the box office in India is Rs. 8.62 crore.
Adarsh shared on Twitter, “ChandigarhKareAashiqui jumps on Day 2 [+29.87%]… Growth in #Mumbai, #Pune, #Bengaluru signals a positive sign… #Delhi, #NCR, #Chandigarh continue to dominate… Multiplexes driving its biz… All eyes on Day 3… Fri 3.75 cr, Sat 4.87 cr. Total: ₹ 8.62 cr. #India biz.”
Earlier, trade analyst Girish Johar had shared with that the film might earn Rs 4-5 crore on opening day. He said, “The film is expected to open at Rs 4-5 crores. It may rise to Rs 6-7 crore if the word of mouth is good.” He added, “Also, Ayushmann is coming after a long time. Before the pandemic, he had back-to-back hits to his credit. He has always delivered different kind of cinema. With his films, he wants to convey a particular message comically.”